The end of February episode is here! The past month brought us Season 3 in Overwatch 2, the Return to Naxxramas mini-set for Hearthstone - and a couple wacky promotions for Diablo 4.
This month you can hear the Podcast Spotlight interview with SirDrJM, AKA Jordan, who is the solo host of One Man Watchpoint as well as a co-host on Ready Set Pwn.
Find our guest Jordan online - @SirDrJM on Twitter and on the podcasts One Man Watchpoint and Ready Set Pwn.
Find our hosts online:
Monica: @WickedKitten13 on Twitter,
Paacreek: @Paacreek on Twitter,,
Olivia: @_SlingSpells on Twitter
Ease: @TweetsWithEase on Twitter,
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