Ease and Paacreek are here to keep you up to date on all things Blizzard. The One Punch Man crossover event in Overwatch 2, 10.0.7 & 10.1 news in WoW Dragonflight, the upcoming Open Beta for Diablo 4, and even a little bit of Hearthstone news - Buddies are returning to Battlegrounds!
As always, you can find the Weekly Blizzard Podcast Roundup in written form at bonusroll.gg.
Find our hosts online:
Paacreek: @Paacreek on Twitter, https://jemi.so/paacreek
Ease: @TweetsWithEase on Twitter, https://www.youtube.com/GamingWithEase
You can find Realm Maintenance @RealmPodcast Twitter. If you want to support us and all the other shows produced by Bonus Roll Productions, head on over to patreon.com/BonusRollGG.
You can find the podcast directory, this show and many more on BonusRoll.gg. And as always, thanks for listening.
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