Girls Gone WoW
Girls Gone WoW
A World of Warcraft Podcast

Girls Gone WoW keeps the Warcraft community in the know from a fresh perspective. Join #teampositive and their plethora of guests from the community each and every week!


50 Reviews


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Cast & Crew

Show Host
Show Host

Latest Episodes

Episode 607
May 28, 2024
Episode 606
Ready for Pandemonium!
May 13, 2024
Episode 605
First thoughts about The War Within
Apr 29, 2024
Episode 604
Taivan is the Goodest Boi
Apr 15, 2024
Episode 603
The Plunderstorm Controversy
Apr 1, 2024
Episode 602
Changes to M+
Mar 18, 2024
Episode 601
What expansion would you like to see?
Mar 5, 2024
Episode 600
Feb 26, 2024
Episode 599
Love is in the Air
Feb 20, 2024
Episode 598
Season of Discovery
Feb 12, 2024

Listener Reviews

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